(Memphis, June 28, 2017) Mid-South ADAPT and The Memphis Center for Independent Living, along with Copper Coalition, CBTU, Indivisible Memphis, and other groups held a resist rally and press conference on Wednesday morning at 10:AM near Madison Avenue and McLean. Mid-South ADAPT came to voice our concerns to Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker about proposed cuts to Medicaid in the (BCRA) that will negatively impact long term supports and services that make it possible for people with disabilities in Tennessee to live in the community.
The Senators said they wished to repeal Obamacare, but they have created legislation to cut Medicaid instead. The large cuts in federal funding for Tennessee’s Medicaid program, known as TennCare, would put health coverage at risk for many Tennesseans. The cut in federal funding hurts Tennessee more than other US states. Because Tennessee did not expand Medicaid under the ACA, there is less federal funding and that funding will be capped.
TennCare enables low-income seniors, children, and people with disabilities to get needed health care, work and live in the community. It helps parents and other adults stay healthy, keep employment, and avoid medical debt.
Tennessee is one of 44 states participating in Medicaid’s Money Follows the Person program, which helps TennCare beneficiaries safely and successfully transition from expensive nursing facilities to their own homes. Tennessee’s program has helped more than 600 people transition to the community, and has produced significant state savings by reducing unnecessary expensive nursing home stays in the state.
Cuts to Medicaid also will not reduce the tax burden on Tennesseans. While other states have built an insurance market for low-income working adults, Tennessee state, county and local taxpayers will have to shoulder the cost of uncompensated care. Healthcare is the best investment in the US worker.
The message of the rally is clear: Get involved. Do not give in because our lives and liberty depend on it. If you would like more information on how you can join the resistance and Save Our Medicaid contact Allison Donald and Tim Wheat of Mid-South ADAPT 901-726-6404 or www.midsouthadapt.org “Healthcare is a Human Right!”
Free Our People Y'all
Featured Post
Rally to Protect Healthcare.
(Memphis, June 28, 2017) Mid-South ADAPT and The Memphis Center for Independent Living, along with Copper Coalition, CBTU, Indivisible Memph...

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Thursday, June 22, 2017
ADAPT Die-in at McConnell's Office
WHAT: ADAPT is staging a Die-in at Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell’s office
WHERE: 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
WHEN: Thursday, June 22, 2017
Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid for Millions of Elderly and Disabled Americans
(June 22, 2017, Washington D.C.) Today, about 60 members of the national disability rights organization ADAPT are staging a Die-in at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office. Advocates are protesting McConnell’s Senate healthcare bill, demanding he bring an end to attacks on disabled people’s freedom which are expected in the bill.
“The American Health Care Act caps and significantly cuts Medicaid which will greatly reduce access to medical care and home and community based services for elderly and disabled Americans who will either die or be forced into institutions,” said Bruce Darling, an ADAPT organizer taking part in the protest. “Our lives and liberty shouldn’t be stolen to give a tax break to the wealthy. That’s truly un-American.”
“Not only will AHCA take away our freedom,” said Dawn Russell, an ADAPT organizer from Colorado. “That lost freedom will also cost Americans much more money. The nursing facilities that people will be forced into are much more expensive than community-based services that AHCA would cut.”
In 2012, the National Council on Disability (an independent federal agency that makes policy recommendations to the President, Congress and federal agencies) reported that States spent upwards of $300,000 more per person serving disabled people in institutions each year than they would spend providing equivalent services in the community.
The protest falls on the 18th anniversary of Olmstead v. LC the 1999 Supreme Court Ruling which first recognized disabled people’s right to live in the community. ADAPT organizer Nancy Salandra of Pennsylvania was quick to note the connection between that case and the AHCA.
“We fought so hard to have our right live in the community recognized and here we are 18 years later and we are still fighting for our freedom from incarceration.”
As they dramatize the deaths AHCA’s cuts and forced institutionalization will cause, and as Capitol Police close in, the advocates who came to McConnell’s office from across the country chanted “I’d rather go to jail than die without Medicaid!”
“To say people will die under this law is not an exaggeration,” said Mike Oxford, an ADAPT organizer from Kansas. “Home and community based services are what allow us to do our jobs, live our lives and raise our families. Without these services many disabled and elderly Americans will die. We won’t let that happen.”
On the 15th anniversary of the death of Justin Dart, the father of the ADA, his words ring true “get into politics as if your life depends upon it, cause it does.” ADAPT’s history, the issues we are fighting for and our activities can be followed on our web site at www.adapt.org, our ADAPT Facebook page and on Twitter – look for #ADAPTandRESIST
WHAT: ADAPT is staging a Die-in at Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell’s office
WHERE: 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
WHEN: Thursday, June 22, 2017
Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid for Millions of Elderly and Disabled Americans
(June 22, 2017, Washington D.C.) Today, about 60 members of the national disability rights organization ADAPT are staging a Die-in at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office. Advocates are protesting McConnell’s Senate healthcare bill, demanding he bring an end to attacks on disabled people’s freedom which are expected in the bill.
“The American Health Care Act caps and significantly cuts Medicaid which will greatly reduce access to medical care and home and community based services for elderly and disabled Americans who will either die or be forced into institutions,” said Bruce Darling, an ADAPT organizer taking part in the protest. “Our lives and liberty shouldn’t be stolen to give a tax break to the wealthy. That’s truly un-American.”
“Not only will AHCA take away our freedom,” said Dawn Russell, an ADAPT organizer from Colorado. “That lost freedom will also cost Americans much more money. The nursing facilities that people will be forced into are much more expensive than community-based services that AHCA would cut.”
In 2012, the National Council on Disability (an independent federal agency that makes policy recommendations to the President, Congress and federal agencies) reported that States spent upwards of $300,000 more per person serving disabled people in institutions each year than they would spend providing equivalent services in the community.
The protest falls on the 18th anniversary of Olmstead v. LC the 1999 Supreme Court Ruling which first recognized disabled people’s right to live in the community. ADAPT organizer Nancy Salandra of Pennsylvania was quick to note the connection between that case and the AHCA.
“We fought so hard to have our right live in the community recognized and here we are 18 years later and we are still fighting for our freedom from incarceration.”
As they dramatize the deaths AHCA’s cuts and forced institutionalization will cause, and as Capitol Police close in, the advocates who came to McConnell’s office from across the country chanted “I’d rather go to jail than die without Medicaid!”
“To say people will die under this law is not an exaggeration,” said Mike Oxford, an ADAPT organizer from Kansas. “Home and community based services are what allow us to do our jobs, live our lives and raise our families. Without these services many disabled and elderly Americans will die. We won’t let that happen.”
On the 15th anniversary of the death of Justin Dart, the father of the ADA, his words ring true “get into politics as if your life depends upon it, cause it does.” ADAPT’s history, the issues we are fighting for and our activities can be followed on our web site at www.adapt.org, our ADAPT Facebook page and on Twitter – look for #ADAPTandRESIST
Thursday, May 4, 2017
ADAPT Statement in Response to Passage of the American Health Care Act in the US House of Representatives
May 4, 2017
The ADAPT Community is gravely concerned by the House of Representatives’ ill-considered passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). The legislation, which received significant amendments only days before the vote, has serious problems which House Republicans – in their haste to pass something and declare victory – have refused to address.
This legislation – if it were to pass the Senate and become law – will have a truly devastating impact on seniors and people with disabilities. It will:
- Destroy the insurance protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions that allow them to receive necessary healthcare services;
- Undercut access to vital Medicaid healthcare as well as long-term services and supports (LTSS) needed by older and disabled Americans; and
- Eliminate the incentive to provide community-based services to disabled Americans established in the Community First Choice Option.
Eliminating Protections for People with Pre-existing Conditions
Although recent changes to the legislation secured the support of moderate Republicans, those changes do little, if anything, to mitigate the dangerous impact of this legislation, particularly on people with pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies will be able to charge exorbitant premiums to disabled and elderly individuals leaving these individuals without healthcare.
Cutting Medicaid Funding Needed to Support Elderly and Disabled Americans
As written, the legislation will cut more than $830 billion from the Medicaid program, forcing states to choose between raising state taxes and cutting healthcare services for poor children, the disabled and seniors. These cuts couldn’t come at a worse time. As our population continues to age, more and more people will rely on Medicaid to cover vital long-term services and supports, further straining state resources. States will reduce Medicaid benefits, impose waiting lists, implement unaffordable financial obligations, or otherwise restrict access to needed assistance. Without adequate support in the community, families will be forced to place their loved ones in nursing facilities and other institutions, only increasing the strain on already-limited Medicaid resources.
Eliminating Federal Incentives Designed to Promote Community Integration
For elderly and disabled Americans who rely on it, Medicaid is not just a health insurance program: it literally supports their lives and their liberty. Outside of the Disability Community, there has been virtually no public discussion about how the AHCA eliminates the enhanced Federal funding associated with the Community First Choice Option (CFCO). CFCO was the result of nearly a quarter century of work by ADAPT and other disability rights advocates. This Medicaid option provides additional funding to states that provide LTSS in the community to people who would otherwise be placed in a nursing facility or institution.
We do not believe that American voters intended this Congress and President to cut vital services for economically disadvantaged, elderly and disabled Americans to provide tax breaks to the wealthiest of our nation. Indeed, President Trump campaigned on a promise that there would be no cuts to Medicaid. Now, more than ever, it is critical that disabled and elderly individuals, their families, and their advocates understand the dangerous implications of this legislation and become politically active. Although AHCA has passed the House, it still must pass the US Senate before it can be signed into law. We must educate our communities about the dangerous implications of this bill and urge our Senators to vote against the bill.
ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Community First Choice Option
Funding Tennessee’s Community Living Services
The Community First Choice (CFC) Option [part of the
Affordable Care Act] will revolutionize the long term services and supports
(LTSS) system for Tennessee. Federal
funding is available now and the final rules are published so Tennessee should
immediately move forward with the creation of the Development and Implementation
CFC would allow Tennessee to draw down an additional federal
funds that could be up to $60 million annually in Medicaid resources to sustain
the shifts in the long term services and supports system.
The Community First Choice Option is a community-based
Medicaid state plan service which includes hands on assistance, safety
monitoring, and cueing for assistance with activities of daily living,
instrumental activities of daily living and health related functions for
individuals based on functional need, not diagnosis or age.
The Affordable Care Act, Section 2401, added 1915(k) to the
Social Security Act under Medicaid. Final rules available at 42 CFR 441 Part K
or in the Federal Register at Vol. 77, No. 88 (77 FR 26828).
Supports choice, independence, and integration
in accordance with the Olmstead
Person-centered and consumer-directed
Services must be provided in a home and
community-based setting and CANNOT be provided in a nursing facility,
institution for mental diseases (IMD), or intermediate care facility for people
with development disabilities (ICF-MR)
Must be provided on a statewide basis
Eliminates HCBS waiting lists
States that implement CFC will receive an
additional 6% in federal matching funds, with no sunset
States that are pursuing CFC (to date): AR, CA,
Must be Medicaid eligible
Must require an institutional level of care (hospital,
nursing facility, ICF-MR, or IMD)
States must provide the following services.
Attendant services and supports to assist in
accomplishing: activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of
daily living (IADL), and health-related tasks
Attendant services and supports include:
hands-on assistance, safety monitoring, and cueing
Assistance with the learning skills necessary to
accomplish ADL, IADL, and health-related tasks
Allows for the purchase of back-up systems (such
as beepers or other electronic devices) to ensure continuity of services and
The State must develop and offer a voluntary
training to individuals on how to select, manage and dismiss attendants.
States can choose to provide the following services.
Transition costs, such as security deposits for
rent or utilities, purchasing basic kitchen supplies, etc.
Services that increase independence or
substitute for human assistance, such as assistance with learning how to use
public transportation, for example.
CFC funding cannot be used to pay for the following services
because either the service cannot be paid for by Medicaid or the service is
available through alternative mechanisms, such as HCBS waivers. However, similar services may be permissible
under the context of “Expenditures relating to a need identified in an
individual’s person-centered service plan that increases an individual’s
independence or substitutes for human assistance.”
Room and board
Special education and related services provided
under IDEA and vocational rehab
Assistive technologies (other than those used as
back-up systems)
Medical supplies and equipment
Home modifications
States can select one or more model for the delivery of CFC.
Ideally, states will provide consumers with a robust system in order to increase
choice. Services must be provided under a person-centered plan.
“Agency Provider
Model” includes a range of approaches, with the individual having the
ability to select, train, and dismiss their attendant, including:
Traditional agency
managed services
model where the agency operates solely as a fiscal intermediary
“Self-Directed Model
with service budget” including:
Direct Cash Payments
Fiscal Agent
Emphasis on a person directed plan and planning process,
which includes individuals chosen by the consumer
Consumers can select family members (except spouse or legal
guardian) or any other individuals to provide services and supports
Consumers can train workers in specific areas of
care needed by the individual and to perform the needed assistance in a manner
that is consistent with the individual’s personal, cultural, and religious
Consumers can establish additional staff
qualifications based on their specific needs and preferences
Many decisions still have to be made. CFC sets the framework
for a fully integrated, non-diagnosis-specific, community-based service system
that provides individuals the civil right to live independently in the community
and out of an institution. CFC is structured to allow states to work within
their unique Medicaid system of state plan services, waivers, and managed care
The decisions for structure, implementation, and monitoring
are the responsibility of the State’s CFC Development and Implementation
Council, which must be comprised of mostly people disabilities, seniors, and
their representatives – as required by CFC.
It is imperative that Tennessee establish its Development
and Implementation Council NOW! Every day delayed is money left on the table,
and people’s rights ignored.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Mid-South ADAPT confronts Corker
Local ADAPT Chapter asks for support for Disability Rights
Today Mid-South ADAPT confronted Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker asking him to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S. 910). Standing on a chair in the Crave Coffee Shop in Arlington Tennessee, a Mid-South ADAPT member caught the Senator at a rare public meeting and requested the Senator support people with disabilities civil right to live in the community.
“Elderly Americans and people with disabilities demand choice in long-term care,” said the activist standing above the crowd on a chair. “Tennessee more than most states needs the Disability Integration Act to avoid expensive institutions and nursing homes.”
Corker spoke briefly at the coffee shop outside of Memphis and answered some questions from the crowd that packed the small venue. The Senator stopped promptly at 9:AM. Mid-South ADAPT handed Disability Integration Act information to Senator Corker and he said that he would look at the information.
The Disability Integration Act (DIA) is civil rights legislation, introduced by Senator Schumer to address the fundamental issue that people who need Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) are forced into institutions and losing their basic civil rights. The legislation (S. 910) builds on the 25 years of work that ADAPT has done to end the institutional bias and provide seniors and people with disabilities home and community-based services (HCBS) as an alternative to institutionalization. It is the next step in our national advocacy after securing the Community First Choice (CFC) option.
The legislation, when enacted, establishes new federal law - similar in structure to the ADA - that requires states and insurance providers that pay for LTSS to change their policies, provide community-based services first, and offer HCBS to people currently in institutions. DIA operates alongside CFC, but these two laws work very differently. CFC is an option which states can choose. Even though CFC provides money for states to support independent living, many states have not chosen CFC. DIA requires states and insurance providers that pay for LTSS to make real and meaningful changes that support the right of people with disabilities to live in freedom like every other American.
The proposed legislation establishes new federal law - structured like the ADA - that says “No public entity or LTSS insurance provider shall deny an individual with an LTSS disability who is eligible for institutional placement, or otherwise discriminate against that individual in the provision of, community-based long-term services and supports that enable the individual to live in the community and lead an independent life.”

The legislation requires states and LTSS insurance providers to complete a self-evaluation to evaluate current services, policies, and practices that do not or may not meet the requirements of the Act and to make the necessary changes in services, policies, and practices required to comply with the law. Additionally, public entities are required to develop a transition plan using an extensive public participation process. Public entities that fail to comply with the law may face legal action for the Attorney General or may be sued directly. People who have been discriminated against may receive damages under the law.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Press Release: ADAPT asks Sen Alexander to preserve our right to live in the community.
For Immediate Release
For more
Allison Donald (901) 283-1412 (cell)
Tim Wheat (303) 887-9406 (cell)
Allison Donald (901) 283-1412 (cell)
Tim Wheat (303) 887-9406 (cell)
People with disabilities ask Sen.
Alexander to preserve disability rights aspects of the health care law.
March 22) Mid-South ADAPT is calling on
Senator Lamar Alexander to preserve critical components of the Affordable Care
Act which secures the rights of people with disabilities to live in the
community and provide vital healthcare services. ADAPT demands equality for people with
disabilities and is visiting Sen. Alexander’s Memphis office to share personal
narratives of the critical importance of inclusion of people with disabilities.
American Health Care Act (AHCA) threatens to take back all of the victories
disability advocates have fought for the past thirty years or more,” said
Allison Donald Organizer for Mid- South ADAPT. “We are here today to let Senator Alexander
know we want him to keep the preexisting conditions provision prohibiting
discrimination by insurance companies, say yes to CFCO, say yes to money
follows the person, and say yes to accessibility standards for diagnostic medical
equipment. We want him to say no to Medicaid block grants, because our lives
depend on it. Healthcare is a Human
Republicans are moving forward with legislation that eliminates the Community
First Choice Option (CFCO) for Tennessee by 2020 as part of a strategy to cut
Medicaid funding for disabled individuals.
CFCO, which was introduced as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is
the only current Medicaid program aimed at ensuring disabled people’s rights to
live in the community. By providing
enhanced federal funds to states that have adopted the program, CFCO gives
Medicaid beneficiaries greater access to home and community services enabling
them to live in their communities rather than expensive nursing facilities or
institutional settings that rob them of their civil right and fundamental
liberties. Tennessee could save millions
with CFCO, we are asking Alexander to keep this option available for our state
even if he chooses to repeal the ACA.
the states that have implemented it, CFCO has become a vital tool in moving
disabled people out of nursing facilities and other institutions and into their
own homes. Members of the Disability
community have expressed concerns that the GOP is using CFCO and block grants
to play partisan politics without consideration for the many people with
disabilities whose live are hanging in the balance and the potential benefits
to states that could use the federal funds to move people out of expensive
with Disabilities] should be able to do things on their own instead of having
to depend on anyone to do things for them,” said Davina Williams of Mid-South
ADAPT. “They should be able to do what they want to do for themselves.”
concern in capping or block granting Medicaid congressional Republicans are
setting limits on how many disabled people can transition from institutions
into the community, and eliminating CFCO restores the Medicaid bias toward
institutionalization that the disability community has long fought for.
WHEN: 11:30 A.M. Wednesday, March 22, 2017
WHERE: Sen. Lamar Alexander’s Memphis Office
125 North Main Street, Memphis Tennessee
125 North Main Street, Memphis Tennessee
-- 30 --
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Outraged Disability Rights Leaders Send a Message
to their Governors and the National Governors Association about ACA
For Immediate Release:Allison DonaldMid-South ADAPT901-726-6404Allison@mcil.org
(February 22, 2017 Memphis) – Disability rights
leaders in Tennessee are sending a “loud and clear” message to Governor Haslam
to take with him to the National Governors Association when it meets in DC later
this week, February 24 – 27:
61 million Americans with disabilities are at
risk of losing health care coverage, benefits and their right to live in the
Disability leaders are asking their Governors to
put people first, over partisan politics. Several Republican Governors, including Governors Kasich (OH) and
Snyder (MI), have been very outspoken against the Medicaid cuts. In similar statements across America,
disability leaders are united in their demands:
We oppose the GOP repeal and replace proposal
- Medicaid block grants and per capita caps are nothing more than an
attempt by the federal government to cut support to states for Medicaid.
- Over the next 10 years Federal support
is projected to be cut by $1 trillion; states and/or counties will have to come
up with the replacement revenue or make major cuts.
- Cuts will be made to prescription
drugs, physical, occupational and speech therapies, Personal Care, HCBS waivers
and state plan amendments, Community First Choice and Health Homes, etc. These so called “optional”
services often mean the difference between “life and death” for many people
with disabilities.
- Under block grants, states
would receive a fixed amount of money each year for the program regardless of
actual needs or costs. Per capita caps provides a fixed amount of funding per
Medicaid beneficiary with states liable for all medical and LTSS costs beyond
the caps.
- Neither Block Grants
nor per capita caps can or will control health care and LTSS costs.
- Enhanced Medicaid expansion matching funds in 31 states
and DC would be reduced, another loss of revenue to states, further squeezing
state budgets, and resulting in a resurgence of uncompensated care to emergency
rooms and hospitals, reduction in treatment for people addicted to opioids, and
millions of people losing access to health care they only recently received.
- Reduction in federal revenue to the states will result in
enrollment caps, increase in waiting lists, and human pain and suffering. 10
million people are covered by Medicaid expansion, and about 20% of those are
people with disabilities.
- Decrease in federal revenue will result in a major loss
of jobs in health care and long-term services and supports (LTSS) in every
- Eight states with Community First Choice
(CFC) will lose their 6% enhanced Medicaid match: CA, CO, MD, MT, NY, OR, TX,
and WV.
- Of the 73
million Americans covered by Medicaid, 15 million (21%) are children and
adults with disabilities and senior citizens. People with disabilities account for 48% of total Medicaid dollars due
to higher acute care costs and costs of LTSS. Kids and moms receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) benefits are
generally healthy, and so are quite inexpensive to Medicaid. Therefore, capping
Medicaid will result in potential draconian cuts in services to people with disabilities and senior citizens.
- People
with disabilities who are employed may have to quit their jobs due to loss
of funds for Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) or access to state optional
Medicaid buy-in plans, now existing in 65 states (only AL, FL, HI, TN and D.C. do
not have buy-in plans).
- End of enhanced federal matching funds for Money Follows the Person (MFP) that
liberated over 63,000 people from institutions, and loss of Community First
Choice (CFC) will make it far more difficult for people to leave or avoid
institutions, which in the aggregate are 2-3 times more expensive for a poorer
quality of life than the costs and benefits of community services and supports.
- If ACA is repealed we will revert to Lifetime Caps in commercial
insurance which harm people with significant medical and community LTSS needs.
- There can be NO repeal without replacement, and any replacement plan must assure access to
quality coordinated health care in Medicaid including Health Homes and
cost-effective LTSS FOR personal care, CFC, and HCBS state plans and waivers
rather than nursing homes and INSTITUTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH
DEVELOPMENTAL/intellectual disabilities (ICFs/DD).
- On the commercial insurance side, we cannot accept High Risk Pools – they are
proven to not work, are very expensive and have high deductibles and co-pays.
Health Savings Accounts have NO savings in them for low and moderate income people with disabilities.
- Disability leaders cannot support
reinstatement of annual and lifetime caps by insurance companies, and denial of
coverage or massive surcharges for preexisting conditions.
The disability
community is united in its determination to protect access to affordable, quality
health care and long term supports and services that promote community living
and employment and we insist that your policy changes do no harm.
- It’s about saving lives and
improving health
- It’s about independence and
community participation
- It’s
about civil rights, freedom and liberty
We can help improve
Medicaid without harming people. Nothing about us without us,
Mid-South ADAPT
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